Malesela Taihan Electric CableAlso known as M-TEC, has been a leading player in the cable industry in South Africa for over 50 years. Established in 1911, M-TEC has developed into a market leader in the wire and cable industry and today the company is ranked as one of South Africa’s largest manufacturers and suppliers of Aluminium overhead conductors, copper products, low and medium voltage power cables and various optical fibre cables
COPPERThecopperdivisionhasanextensivevarietyofproductsincludingbarecopperearthwire,contactwire,copperstrandedconductors,andcopperstrip.Productsaremanufacturedtocustomer specificationwhileensuringcompliancetonationalandinternationalstandards.M-TECisamajorsupplierofcoppercontactwireandconductortoTRANSNETandPRASA–SouthAfrica’s national rail transport utilities.
Solid Copper single wire:Size range: 0.20mm to 19.00mm diameterCondition: Annealed, hard drawn and medium hard to BS 4109 – 1970 and BS 1433 -1970Size range: to customer specification
Bunched Conductors Various configurations.Size range: to customer specification
Copper ConductorStranded copper wire: Size range: 1.0mm² to 630mm²Condition: Hard and Annealed
Copper StripHard drawn, medium hard or annealed to BS 1432 – 1987
COPPER Contact Wire (Trolley wire) Brass Insertion (Optional)Electrification Conductor for Railway locomotivesSize range: 80mm² to 161 mm² Condition:Hard drawn to BS23 / BS EN 50149 Rail Contact Wire